Saturday, February 19, 2011

Something Must Break: RIP Psychocandy

As you've probably surmised by now, Psychocandy Radio is no more. I decided to end the show back in 2009 due to time constraints. I've been hosting another program, Beat City Radio, since late 2007 and putting together six hours of programming every week became far too tiresome. Unfortunately, I had to let my true love die, and now her ghost haunts me. I receive feedback from disgruntled ex-listeners on a fairly regular basis and it really makes me miss putting together this program. Psychocandy Radio was good but it could have been better, and I got too burned out. Beat City Radio has traditionally been a different style of program, but ever-increasingly, I've been playing Post-Punk, New Wave, and Underground Sounds. So if you liked this show, head on over to the Beat City Radio blog and check out the playlists there. I have a JAMC tribute show in the works, as well, which I'll post here (if anyone's still reading). Also, I'll probably post all of the archived Psychocandy shows here sometime. Thanks for listening!

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